Antiracist Parenting: The Foundational Course
This course is designed to give you the tools to confidently raise a new generation of young people who practice, understand, and advocate for racial equity.
Parenting is especially challenging right now on many levels. Not only are we in the midst of a global pandemic, we’re also trying to raise socially conscious kids during a time of significant racial and political unrest. We want to share insight and guidance on rooting out racism in ourselves and in our communities while teaching our kids to do the same.
This is a course for parents who intend to rear race-conscious children who will learn skills to properly confront racism as their kids matriculate into adulthood. This course is designed for the parent who is learning to talk about race and the implications it has on society.
your child's understanding at every stage
Build competence in understanding systemic racism and how it impacts the lives of kids of color
Feel confident about leading discussions with your children about racism
Take your activism a step further at home and in your community
To understand racism, the mind must be conditioned. In this kickoff module, parents will learn what a growth mindset is, how to practice it, and how to cultivate a growth mindset in their children.
Most families don't tend to think about slavery's impact on their modern-day lifestyle the way Black families do. This module explores the legacy of slavery on the modern American family through an educational, socio-political, and economic lens.
This module explores exactly how racism in law and policy influences the quality of housing and education kids have access to. Parents will understand the influence racism has on how neighborhoods are developed and the role they play in changing it.
Most parents know racism is wrong, but they don't always know how to approach this conversation with kids. This module offers age-appropriate strategies and a framework to help you talk about race with your family.
Identity is an important factor in teaching young people about race. This module looks at diverse parenting scenarios and offers a different perspective on what to consider in your antiracist parenting approach.
This module reviews key understandings in antiracist parenting as well as offers strategies and resources for practicing antiracism in your local schools and community.
The Antiracist Parenting Foundational Course is available to enroll on the first day of Black History Month February 1. The content will go live on February 22.
It will vary from family to family. We recommend allowing yourself a minimum of three to four hours to complete the course.
While the content in this course can be applied to any parent, we designed this to support white parents and non-Black parents of color in mind. We know that there are no other courses curated for parents that explore anti-Blackness in the US context, a critical element to becoming antiracist. Regardless of the makeup of your family, there is something in this course for everyone!
Delrisha White, Ed.M.